Meet The Frasers
Drs. Edith and Trevor Fraser
Drs. Edith and Trevor Fraser have been married for over 52 years and have been family life facilitators, counselors, and presenters for 46 years. They are the parents of two adult children, Kiesha Fraser-Doh, a ER Pediatrician in Atlanta Physician and Trevor Vincent a Dentist in Smithfield, NC. They are the proud grandparents of 4, two girls and two boys, ranging in age from 15 years to 6 months. The Fraser’s bring a wealth of personal and professional experience to their presentations. The Fraser’s have presented throughout the United States, Bermuda and Canada and several countries in Africa.
Dr. Edith Fraser is retired but she was the former Chair of Social Work, Psychology and Counseling Department At Alabama A &M University and taught in the Department of Social Work for at Oakwood University for over 25 years and where she also served as department chair. During her tenure the department grew and became an accredited social work program. She has taught as an Adjunct faculty Smith College, in Northampton, Massachusetts. She received her B.A. from University of Louisville, M.S.W. from Boston University and Ph.D. from Smith College, Northampton Massachusetts. Dr. Fraser is a licensed Therapist and was selected as Alumnus of the Year for Boston University School of Social Work, Smith and is member Alabama Hall of Fame for Social Workers. She has been a Fulbright and Charles Drew Scholar.
Dr. Trevor H. Fraser is also retired but he served as Coordinator for the Masters’ Program at OU for 10 years. Dr. Trevor Fraser was an associate professor in Religion and Theology Department, and former president of the Faculty Senate at Oakwood University. Dr. Trevor Fraser has served as Director of Adult and Continuing Education, Director of Enrollment Management, Assistant to the President and Vice-President for Student Services under his leadership the enrollment at Oakwood University increased significantly.
Prior to his arrival at Oakwood, Dr. Trevor Fraser served as pastor for over 12 years in New York and Florida in the conferences of Greater New York, South Atlantic and Southeastern. In this capacity he baptized over 1000 individuals, he started a church, a church schools and built and purchased churches and under his leadership liquidated a mortgage. He received his B.A. from Atlantic Union College, M.Div. from Andrews University and Doctor of Ministry from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Trevor H. Fraser has been the recipient of numerous pastoral awards, and as school administrator. The Fraser’s have written numerous journal articles and have recently completed a book entitled Saving Marriages by Applying Biblical Wisdom. The Fraser’s are committed to marital success in the African American community.